Web Status Errors

1. Accepted Error 202 Browser client's request was accepted, but not yet processed.
2. Authorization Required Error 401 The request header did not contain the necessary authentication codes, and the client is denied access.
3. Bad Gateway Error 502 The web server you're trying to reach is sending back error messages.
4. Bad Request Error 400 There is a syntax error in the request and is denied by the web server.
5. Conflicting Request Error 409 Too many concurrent web requests for a single file.
6. Content Length Required Error 411 The request is missing its Content-Length header.
7. Continue Error 100 Your browser request has been completed and the rest of the process can continue.
8. Created Error 201 When new web pages are created by posted form data or by CGI processes, this confirmation message means it worked.
9. Forbidden Error 403 The browser client is not allowed to see a particular file. This can also be returned at times when the server doesn't want any more web visitors.
10. Gateway Timeout Error 504 The server gateway has timed out. Similar to the 408 Timeout error, but this one occurs at the gateway of the server.
11. Gone Error 410 The file used to be at that location, but is no longer there.
12. HTTP Version Not Supported Error 505 The HTTP protocol you are asking for is unsupported.
13. Internal Server Error Error 500 This is a negative response that is usually caused by a problem in programming code when a CGI program is run.
14. Method Not Allowed Error 405 The method you are using to access the file is not allowed.
15. Moved Permanently Error 301 If the web server is setup properly, it will automatically redirect the reader to the new location of the file.
16. Moved Temporarily Error 302 The web page has been moved temporarily, and a new URL is available. You should be automatically redirected there by the server.
17. Multiple Choices Error 300 The requested address refers to more than one file. Depending on how the server configuration, you will receive an error or a choice of which page you want.
18. Non-Authorative Information Error 203 The info contained in the entity header is not from the original web site, but from a third party server.
19. Not Acceptable Error 406 The requested file exists but cannot be used as the client system doesn't understand the format the file is configured for.
20. Not Found Error 404 The requested file was not found on the web server. The file could have been deleted or never existed. This is often caused by misspelling the URL.
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