Error: Code 8534 - When you save this form or report, any code behind it will be deleted.@You have set the HasModule property to No, creating a form or report that opens more quickly. Any macros associated with this form or report will not be affected, nor will code in sepa

How to fix the Runtime Code 8534 When you save this form or report, any code behind it will be deleted

This article features error number Code 8534, commonly known as When you save this form or report, any code behind it will be deleted described as When you save this form or report, any code behind it will be deleted.@You have set the HasModule property to No, creating a form or report that opens more quickly. Any macros associated with this form or report will not be affected, nor will code in sepa

About Runtime Code 8534

Runtime Code 8534 happens when Microsoft Access fails or crashes whilst it's running, hence its name. It doesn't necessarily mean that the code was corrupt in some way, but just that it did not work during its run-time. This kind of error will appear as an annoying notification on your screen unless handled and corrected. Here are symptoms, causes and ways to troubleshoot the problem.

Definitions (Beta)

Here we list some definitions for the words contained in your error, in an attempt to help you understand your problem. This is a work in progress, so sometimes we might define the word incorrectly, so feel free to skip this section!

  • Macros - A macro is a rule or pattern that specifies how a certain input sequence often a sequence of characters should be mapped to an output sequence also often a sequence of characters according to a defined procedure.
  • Report - A report contains summarized information from a data source, usually in an end-user-friendly format, such as PDF or Excel, although proprietary reporting tools usually with built-in design tools also exist.
  • Save - To store data in a computer or on a storage device.
  • Set - A set is a collection in which no element is repeated, which may be able to enumerate its elements according to an ordering criterion an "ordered set" or retain no order an "unordered set".
  • Property - A property, in some object-oriented programming languages, is a special sort of class member, intermediate between a field or data member and a method
  • Form - A form is essentially a container that can be used to hold any amount of any subset of several types of data

Symptoms of Code 8534 - When you save this form or report, any code behind it will be deleted

Runtime errors happen without warning. The error message can come up the screen anytime Microsoft Access is run. In fact, the error message or some other dialogue box can come up again and again if not addressed early on.

There may be instances of files deletion or new files appearing. Though this symptom is largely due to virus infection, it can be attributed as a symptom for runtime error, as virus infection is one of the causes for runtime error. User may also experience a sudden drop in internet connection speed, yet again, this is not always the case.

Fix When you save this form or report, any code behind it will be deleted (Error Code 8534)
(For illustrative purposes only)

Causes of When you save this form or report, any code behind it will be deleted - Code 8534

During software design, programmers code anticipating the occurrence of errors. However, there are no perfect designs, as errors can be expected even with the best program design. Glitches can happen during runtime if a certain error is not experienced and addressed during design and testing.

Runtime errors are generally caused by incompatible programs running at the same time. It may also occur because of memory problem, a bad graphics driver or virus infection. Whatever the case may be, the problem must be resolved immediately to avoid further problems. Here are ways to remedy the error.

Repair Methods

Runtime errors may be annoying and persistent, but it is not totally hopeless, repairs are available. Here are ways to do it.

If a repair method works for you, please click the upvote button to the left of the answer, this will let other users know which repair method is currently working the best.

Please note: Neither nor it's writers claim responsibility for the results of the actions taken from employing any of the repair methods listed on this page - you complete these steps at your own risk.

When you get a runtime error, keep in mind that it is happening due to programs that are conflicting with each other. The first thing you can do to resolve the problem is to stop these conflicting programs.
  • Open Task Manager by clicking Ctrl-Alt-Del at the same time. This will let you see the list of programs currently running.
  • Go to the Processes tab and stop the programs one by one by highlighting each program and clicking the End Process buttom.
  • You will need to observe if the error message will reoccur each time you stop a process.
  • Once you get to identify which program is causing the error, you may go ahead with the next troubleshooting step, reinstalling the application.
Using Control Panel
  • For Windows 7, click the Start Button, then click Control panel, then Uninstall a program
  • For Windows 8, click the Start Button, then scroll down and click More Settings, then click Control panel > Uninstall a program.
  • For Windows 10, just type Control Panel on the search box and click the result, then click Uninstall a program
  • Once inside Programs and Features, click the problem program and click Update or Uninstall.
  • If you chose to update, then you will just need to follow the prompt to complete the process, however if you chose to Uninstall, you will follow the prompt to uninstall and then re-download or use the application's installation disk to reinstall the program.
Using Other Methods
  • For Windows 7, you may find the list of all installed programs when you click Start and scroll your mouse over the list that appear on the tab. You may see on that list utility for uninstalling the program. You may go ahead and uninstall using utilities available in this tab.
  • For Windows 10, you may click Start, then Settings, then choose Apps.
  • Scroll down to see the list of Apps and features installed in your computer.
  • Click the Program which is causing the runtime error, then you may choose to uninstall or click Advanced options to reset the application.
Virus infection causing runtime error on your computer must immediately be prevented, quarantined or deleted. Make sure you update your virus program and run a thorough scan of the computer or, run Windows update so you can get the latest virus definition and fix.
You might be getting the error because of an update, like the MS Visual C++ package which might not be installed properly or completely. What you can do then is to uninstall the current package and install a fresh copy.
  • Uninstall the package by going to Programs and Features, find and highlight the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package.
  • Click Uninstall on top of the list, and when it is done, reboot your computer.
  • Download the latest redistributable package from Microsoft then install it.
You might also be experiencing runtime error because of a very low free space on your computer.
  • You should consider backing up your files and freeing up space on your hard drive
  • You can also clear your cache and reboot your computer
  • You can also run Disk Cleanup, open your explorer window and right click your main directory (this is usually C: )
  • Click Properties and then click Disk Cleanup
If the error is related to a bad graphics driver, then you may do the following:
  • Open your Device Manager, locate the graphics driver
  • Right click the video card driver then click uninstall, then restart your computer
If the error you are getting is related to the Internet Explorer, you may do the following:
  1. Reset your browser.
    • For Windows 7, you may click Start, go to Control Panel, then click Internet Options on the left side. Then you can click Advanced tab then click the Reset button.
    • For Windows 8 and 10, you may click search and type Internet Options, then go to Advanced tab and click Reset.
  2. Disable script debugging and error notifications.
    • On the same Internet Options window, you may go to Advanced tab and look for Disable script debugging
    • Put a check mark on the radio button
    • At the same time, uncheck the "Display a Notification about every Script Error" item and then click Apply and OK, then reboot your computer.
If these quick fixes do not work, you can always backup files and run repair reinstall on your computer. However, you can do that later when the solutions listed here did not do the job.
Other languages:

Wie beheben Fehler 8534 (Wenn Sie dieses Formular oder diesen Bericht speichern, wird jeglicher Code dahinter gelöscht) - Wenn Sie dieses Formular oder diesen Bericht speichern, wird jeglicher Code dahinter gelöscht.@Sie haben die HasModule-Eigenschaft auf Nein gesetzt, wodurch ein Formular oder ein Bericht erstellt wird, der schneller geöffnet wird. Alle Makros, die mit diesem Formular oder Bericht verknüpft sind, sind davon nicht betroffen und werden auch nicht separat codiert
Come fissare Errore 8534 (Quando salvi questo modulo o rapporto, qualsiasi codice sottostante verrà eliminato) - Quando salvi questo modulo o report, qualsiasi codice sottostante verrà eliminato.@Hai impostato la proprietà HasModule su No, creando un modulo o un report che si apre più rapidamente. Eventuali macro associate a questo modulo o report non saranno interessate, né il codice in sepa
Hoe maak je Fout 8534 (Wanneer u dit formulier of rapport opslaat, wordt de code erachter verwijderd) - Wanneer u dit formulier of rapport opslaat, wordt alle code erachter verwijderd.@U hebt de eigenschap HasModule ingesteld op Nee, waardoor een formulier of rapport wordt gemaakt dat sneller wordt geopend. Eventuele macro's die aan dit formulier of rapport zijn gekoppeld, worden niet beïnvloed, en coderen ook niet in sepa
Comment réparer Erreur 8534 (Lorsque vous enregistrez ce formulaire ou ce rapport, tout code sous-jacent sera supprimé) - Lorsque vous enregistrez ce formulaire ou cet état, tout code sous-jacent est supprimé.@Vous avez défini la propriété HasModule sur Non, créant ainsi un formulaire ou un état qui s'ouvre plus rapidement. Les macros associées à ce formulaire ou rapport ne seront pas affectées, ni le code en sepa
어떻게 고치는 지 오류 8534 (이 양식이나 보고서를 저장하면 뒤에 있는 모든 코드가 삭제됩니다.) - 이 양식이나 보고서를 저장하면 그 뒤에 있는 모든 코드가 삭제됩니다.@HasModule 속성을 아니요로 설정하여 더 빨리 열리는 양식이나 보고서를 만들었습니다. 이 양식 또는 보고서와 연결된 모든 매크로는 영향을 받지 않으며 별도의 코드도 적용되지 않습니다.
Como corrigir o Erro 8534 (Quando você salva este formulário ou relatório, qualquer código por trás dele será excluído) - Quando você salva este formulário ou relatório, qualquer código por trás dele será excluído. @ Você definiu a propriedade HasModule como Não, criando um formulário ou relatório que abre mais rapidamente. Quaisquer macros associadas a este formulário ou relatório não serão afetadas, nem o código em separado
Hur man åtgärdar Fel 8534 (När du sparar det här formuläret eller rapporten kommer eventuell kod bakom den att raderas) - När du sparar det här formuläret eller rapporten raderas koden bakom det.@Du har ställt in egenskapen HasModule till Nej, vilket skapar ett formulär eller en rapport som öppnas snabbare. Alla makron som är associerade med det här formuläret eller den här rapporten påverkas inte, inte heller kodas i sepa
Как исправить Ошибка 8534 (Когда вы сохраняете эту форму или отчет, любой код, стоящий за ней, будет удален.) - При сохранении этой формы или отчета любой код, стоящий за ним, будет удален. @ Вы установили для свойства HasModule значение Нет, создавая форму или отчет, которые открываются быстрее. Никакие макросы, связанные с этой формой или отчетом, не будут затронуты, а также не будут кодироваться отдельно.
Jak naprawić Błąd 8534 (Gdy zapiszesz ten formularz lub raport, cały znajdujący się za nim kod zostanie usunięty) - Kiedy zapiszesz ten formularz lub raport, cały kod za nim zostanie usunięty. @Ustawiłeś właściwość HasModule na Nie, tworząc formularz lub raport, który otwiera się szybciej. Żadne makra powiązane z tym formularzem lub raportem nie zostaną naruszone, ani kod w sepa
Cómo arreglar Error 8534 (Cuando guarde este formulario o informe, se eliminará cualquier código subyacente.) - Cuando guarde este formulario o informe, se eliminará cualquier código subyacente. @ Ha establecido la propiedad HasModule en No, creando un formulario o informe que se abre más rápidamente. Las macros asociadas con este formulario o informe no se verán afectadas, ni tampoco se codificarán por separado.

The Author About The Author: Phil Hart has been a Microsoft Community Contributor since 2010. With a current point score over 100,000, they've contributed more than 3000 answers in the Microsoft Support forums and have created almost 200 new help articles in the Technet Wiki.

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Recommended Repair Tool:

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Article ID: ACX012247EN

Applies To: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000

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Speed Up Tip #60

Replace Slow Hard Drive:

If you have an older and slow 5400 RPM hard drive, then it is recommended to replace it with a 7200 RPM one. You can go with a traditional SATA or SAS hard drive but SSDs are becoming less costly now. Depending on your needs, just make sure to get the highest RPM available.

Click Here for another way to speed up your Windows PC
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