Runtime Errors

181. Can't find the database you specified, or you didn't specify a database at all Error 2554 Can't find the database you specified, or you didn't specify a database at all.@Specify a valid database name in the command line, and include a path if necessary.@@1@1@10283@1.
182. Can't install Skype Error 2738 Can't install Skype with error 2738. The 2738 error message means that VBScript is not enabled on your computer.
183. Can't load (or register) ActiveX control: 'item' Error 367 The specified ActiveX control cannot be loaded or registered.
184. Can't load or unload this object Error 361 A Load or Unload statement has referenced an invalid object or control.
185. Can't load, unload, or set Visible property for top level menus while they are merged Error 397 The Visible property can't be set for a top-level menu while an ActiveX component's menu is merged with a container form's menu.
186. Can't open Clipboard Error 521 The Clipboard has already been opened by another application.
187. Can't perform requested operation Error 17 An operation can't be carried out if it would invalidate the current state of the project.
188. Can't print form image to this type of printer Error 486 The form cannot print to this type of printer.
189. Can't rename with different drive Error 74 The Name statement must rename the file to the current drive.
190. Can't save file to TEMP directory Error 735 Components often need to save temporary information to disk.
191. Can't set LinkMode; invalid LinkTopic Error 297 You tried and failed to set the LinkMode property of a control.
192. Can't set Visible property from a parent menu Error 388 The Visible property of a submenu item cant be set from its parent's menu code.
193. Can't show non-modal form when modal form is displayed Error 401 When a modal form is displayed, you cant display another non-modal form.
194. Can't unload controls created at design time Error 362 Only a control array element loaded at run time can be unloaded.
195. Can't use character device names in file names Error 320 From within Visual Basic, you can't give a file the same name as a character device driver.
196. Can't use character device names in file names: 'item' Error 320 From within Visual Basic, you can't give a file the same name as a character device driver.
197. Cannot add a new column to conflict table '|' Error 3740 Cannot add a new column to conflict table '|'. Delete obsolete columns and compact the database.
198. Cannot append Error 3367 Cannot append. An object with that name already exists in the collection.
199. Cannot change field '|' Error 3720 Cannot change field '|'. It is part of one or more relationships.
200. Cannot Compile Project Error 2034 Cannot Compile Project.@@@1@@@1.
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